Sunday, August 19, 2012


Happy Sunday Everyone!! This weekend we finished our dvd's!! When we give our social worker the last of our paperwork our homestudy can be complete! PRAISE GOD!! But for once this blog isn't about our adoption. Its something that I have thought about many years.
          During Christmas time I have always felt a little guilty for all the gifts I get and now all the things we buy our daughter. Don't get me wrong I love it, but in the back of my head I have always wished there was a way to help others that have nothing around the world. Last year our church introduced Operation Christmas Child to me.  This is exactly what i have been looking for since i was a girl! Operation Christmas Child is a program that sends a gift to a child that is less fortunate around the world. The gift is a shoebox filled with gifts that we take advantage of here in the U.S. and our children would probably be upset if they got. So many American children are spoiled and ungrateful and I am just a guilty as you of making them this way. Not something I am proud of but it is true.
            So I know so many of you have bought new school shoes for your children or even yourself during the great sales that have been going on. I have a favor; SAVE ME YOUR SHOE BOX!! Last year I wanted to send a shoe box but i missed the deadline and was literally heartbroken and have thought about this program all year. I WONT MISS THE DEADLINE THIS YEAR :-) That's all i need from you is a shoe box, most of you can help with that.
             Do you want to help too? I hope this pulls at your heart as much as it does mine! So if it does this is what you do. 1.) Get an empty shoebox  2.) fill your box..below is a list taken from the OCC website. 3.)Include a $7 donation for shipping. 4.)Find a drop off location near you. For those close to me you can bring your filled or empty box to me and I will make sure it get where it needs to go! This is something that everyone can do. Encourage your children to save their allowances and fill a shoe box. You can get most of these things at the Dollar Tree. I also encourage you to write the child a letter. By making your donation online using a credit or debit card you will receive a special shoe box label included in your e-mail receipt. Print or copy the label as many times as you need to attach to each of your boxes.  Your specific barcode is connected to your e-mail address, so it’s important to use the same label on each of your boxes. The barcode on the label enables us to track each shoe box gift. You will receive an e-mail telling you the destination of your gift, along with information about Operation Christmas Child in that country. If your boxes go to more than one country, you will receive more than one e-mail. This is an inexpensive wonderful way to share the gift of Christmas with a child that has nothing..possibly no one!

learn more at:


  1. Awesome! I actually know of a few Ghanaian kiddos who have been adopted but who at one point in their lives received a shoebox of their own. The items in the boxes (and the love implied through the giving) meant a ton to those kids!

  2. Thank you!! That is so encouraging, makes me want to send that many more boxes <3

  3. Thank you!! That is so encouraging, makes me want to send that many more boxes <3
