So we finally found our POA and made it to our room, we discussed the plan for the next day.
1.) Go to embassy file i600
2.) Get up early go to Royal Seed meet our friends kids and give them the gifts from their gifts
3.) Get lunch
4.) Go to Kumasi 6+ hours away get room sleep call family
5.) Wake up early meet our son for the first time
So after our POA left Tony had a panic attack and tried to convince me we didn't belong there for us to get back on the plane and go home. He was in total culture shock. One thing we consistently agreed on was that we felt like we were going on this trip for more than our son. I am more aware of my conscience than Tony is and I felt very heavy from the time we left our home. I was certain we were going for more than our sweet boy.
NEXT DAY: We got up early and went to the embassy and filed our i-600. It was a huge mess. No wonder things take so long to get things done. No one seemed to know what they where doing. After we finally got to where we were supposed to be, we waited for about an hour. As soon as it was our turn, we went in the little room the power went out. AWESOME! Thank God it came back on quickly and we handed the lady our documents and we went on our way. Hours of waiting for 5 mins....

They brought the oldest boy in first Judah. He was tall, very dark and handsome. Soft spoken. I gave him a shirt, some pictures of his new family and we talked. This boy melted my heart. You can tell he was very well trained. He stood at attention and looked straight forward. Anytime we told him to relax he looked at the lady who was in charge. I finally got him to ease up. I told him all about his mommy how much she talked about him all the time and how much she already loved him. So we asked him do you have any questions? He said yes and turned and look at tony and said are you my daddy? Tony's eyes filled with tears and he found his voice under the gigantic lump in his throat and said no buddy, but i wish i was your daddy is very lucky. He gave us butterflies and we cried all the way to meet our sweet boy over him. He definitely stole our heart.

Well, after fighting through the ridiculous chaotic traffic to get to the VIP bus our POA had changed his mind again! He didn't want to take the bus he wanted to take a taxi. Are you following me?!!!? We have now wasted an entire day driving in a circle that i could be with my sweet boy that I traveled 22 hours to meet. It's now dark, i was hungry, and i wanted to talk to our family. Finally after all day we got on the road actually to Kumasi. We traveled 6 hours on a dirt road in a Geo metro with speed bumps as tall as me, in pitch black darkness, the only light around was our head lights, with the radio extremely loud in Ghanaian music and about every 30-45 secs a DJ on the radio and said 89.5. Oh yeah and we got stopped at a road block. In the middle of no where. Men in uniforms surround our car, our driver and POA get out of the car and start yelling at the men who are around our car who all are holding AK47. Then everything gets quiet and we see our POA run into the trees. Are you serious?!?! Where is he going?!?! The diver gets back in the car, no POA.. finally after what seemed to be 20 mins he came out out the woods. Oh, don't worry, everything was ok. Just friendly conversation at a routine roadblock and our POA just had to pee...It was a LONG..LONG..LONG six hours.
Everything was ok, everything was ok, everything was ok, i had to keep telling myself that. We still felt like we were there for more than our son. We just couldn't explain it but we both agreed. After our LONG day I was assured that i would get to meet my sweet boy first thing in the morning. For 6 hours i prayed Jesus i don't know what you are doing but i trust you. If I'm honest i was trying to convince myself of this as I was praying. At that point i realized God was the only person who was going to keep me safe and get me to my sweet boy. Finally close to midnight we got to our hotel and got to speak with our family. We didn't waste any time we went to bed, we just knew our sweet boy would be there first thing in the morning.
Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
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