To some it seems that this process is already seemingly taking years, to others (like Tony and I) it is going much faster than we anticipated. I'm not worried because I know we have an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G God and support group that will help us earn every penny we need. GOTTA HAVE FAITH! Yesterday, we got our agency welcome packet, lots of things to sign with a friendly reminder when you mail in the signed forms please include your first agency payment of 2,700 ASAP. WOZZERS!! So I'm not going to lie I'm stressing out bit. We need this on top of the 900 more to finish the homestudy. Not worried so much about the homestudy the agency we are using is allowing us to make payments and must be paid in full when its complete, THANK YOU JESUS! What about the grants, your wondering? Well, right now we are stuck in a big circle. We can't apply for grants until the homestudy is complete. Can't pay for the agency or home study until we do more fundraising since we cant apply for grants yet hints the reason for this blog...
I have have come up with monthly fundraiser we'll be doing to help with cost until we are finished with the homestudy. Each month I will give more details about each fundraiser.
On top of these things we will also be doing cookouts an other things around town. I am in the process of opening a Helping Hands. Helping hnands is a website that tells you how much we have earned and how much more we need. With this site all of your information is protected and it allows you to make donations to us. When you donate it will give you the option to print tax deductible sheet. I'll provided the detailed information when it is complete. Also you can call our agency directly Phone: (253) 383-1928 and make a donation they will give 100% of it to us, and also email you a tax deductible sheet. Also, you can send me a private message at and I can give you are mailing address if you just want to send cash/ or check. I know several of you want tohelp but don't know how, I hope this blog helped. There is no such thing as a donation to small. Every penny counts for us, and for every penny we are truly thankful and appreciative. With pennies and prayers I know we can earn this 3,500.
Hi there! I stumbled upon your blog through way of Adopt Together. :) My husband and I are adopting from Africa, and we set up a fundraiser through the associates program at a couple months ago. This has been a tremendous blessing for us and an easy/free way to get extra funding for our adoption expenses. Check it out! :) Praying God's powerful blessing upon your family!
ReplyDeleteThats awesome! I would love more details! We are willing to try anything that is not a scam. Where are you in your process? We have our first homestudy meeting this Thursday. I think this is going to be the longest year of our life!